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    Dashboard Documents widget

    1675 0 Created on 2019-11-29 14:17:18; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:01:11

    The Documents widget provides an overview of sent and received Tradeshift documents and their statuses (including drafts).

    However, this overview does not include all documents, but only documents from a certain period of time. The default period is one month back from the current date, but you can customise this by clicking the period indicator in the top right corner of the widget. This will open a side panel with a number of other options:.

    Note that the dates reflecting the chosen period are displayed in the bottom right corner of the widget.

    The Documents widget has two tabs:

    • Sales: Includes documents for which your company account has acted as a seller (such as sent invoices and received purchase orders).
    • Purchases: Includes documents for which your company account has acted as a buyer (such as received invoices and sent purchase orders).

    For each tab, the types of documents that have been processed in the chosen time period will be displayed as boxes just below the tabs. When you click one of these document boxes, the number of processed documents of the chosen type as well as their current statuses will be visualised in the accompanying graphics, broken down by their status. 

    The circle surrounding the total number of invoices functions as a pie chart showing the proportional distribution of the various statuses. When you click either a status or its corresponding colour in the circle, the Document Manager app will opens with all chosen Dashboard filters applied. 

    With these filters applied automatically straight from Dashboard, Document Manager will then list the documents from the period chosen in Dashboard, thus enabling the user to view more details for these documents. You can also easily open Document Manager from Dashboard with no filters applied. To do that, click on Documents in the top left corner of the Documents widget.

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